Tuesday, July 28, 2009

He got married

My baby brother got married last week. His new wife is quiet and unassuming and has changed my brother in ways unimaginable. She has facilitated making some of his dreams a reality, she has supported him in his tough times, believed in him, and embraced him with his faults. He is a different person with her. He is a little sweeter and 'a lot of bit' happier.

Anytime anyone tells me they are going to get married, especially anyone as young as Edgar and Alyssa, my gut instinct is to REALLY worry for them yet I really felt at peace for them. I still am not completely sure why. Maybe it's because their relationship is stronger than many I have ever seen and they really need and want one another and do not waste energy worrying about what everyone else wants for them or thinks is wrong or right.

Do I have any advice for them? Of course I do. Don't I always have advice for everyone?! But it's not anything other wiser married people haven't said before.

  • Always have a voice and do not be passive. Avoiding conflict just leads to resentment that kills the love. You start to despise the person you once married and it's not even their fault if you chose to bottle everything up.
  • Listen. Sometimes we just want the space to be mad, sad, grumpy, excited, or nervous. Don't over-analyze it, try to fix it, or kill the moment. Both men and women have worries, fears, insecurities.
  • Don't let the honeymoon phase end. Soon the children will come and you will be exhausted and busy and bombarded with routines, schedules, and responsibilities but don't forget to be in love or you will just end up feeling like roommates.
  • Nagging isn't nagging. It's just a friendly reminder when you need a little push in the right direction whether it be about chores or big stuff like finances. Sometimes we get lazy about leaving our shoes all over the house or spending too much at the mall and we need a little reminder that we are a team working towards the same goal and we both need to contribute equally and be on the same page in order to succeed.

I could go on forever...of course, but I do not know what their relationship dynamic is really like. All I know is that I want them to be as happy and in love as I am.

Love you baby bro! Love you Alyssa. Thank you for marrying Edgar and his entire overbearing nutty family. :)

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