Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear Juliepie, I promise I will make your life difficult.

Dear Julie Pie,

Growing up I used to think Mima was nuts. She used to spy on me while I was at school, cut the cords off the tvs and phones so we wouldn't waste time on that nonsense while she was at work, scared my friends away, and never really let me be social as a teenager. Unfortunately on many occasions we got into very ugly fights that usually led to lots of scratching, pushing, etc. She really believed in tough love and often took it a bit far. Mima was not very nurturing or affectionate. No one ever taught her what affection was. She was not very patient and I wouldn't ever use the word 'sweet' in the same sentence as her name. She put the fear of God in us, as they say.

But now I am the mother of a gorgeous and intelligent little girl. And I want you to know that I will also put the fear of God in you! Yup, I am. I pray to God that I have the strength to be just a bit as strict with you as my mom was with me so that you can also grow up to be strong, confidant, and hardworking. And when you have graduated college, made all your dreams come true, and are starting your own family with a man that will worship the ground you walk on, you will thank me.

So when you are cursing at me and telling me how much you hate me and that I just do not understand you and what it is like to be a teenager, I know that one day you will no longer be an ungrateful, bratty teenager that thinks they are invincible. Although I want you to make mistakes and learn lessons on your own, I hope I can keep you from making mistakes that can change your path in life forever. I hope I can teach you that we are very blessed with what we have and you can have anything you want as long as you work hard to get because nothing will be just handed to you. I promise to continue to shower you with love and praise and affection. I do not want you to ever suffer the awkward notion of not knowing what it is like to hear me say "I love you and I am proud of you".

So when I don't let you go to that party or allow you to come home at 3 am or date that boy that is bad news, I hope you understand and remember that I love you.

Love always,

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