Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Two years

I haven't written in a while. I just haven't been moved to do so and in my world that is mostly a good thing because usually I write when I have something to vent about. But it hasn't really been because of a lack of drama because as usual, there has been plenty. I think I just feel so fulfilled and at peace with all the good and even the bad in my life that I'm...balanced, I suppose.

The last two years have been difficult financially for us. I watched the ugliest of arguements between my parents growing up and they were 99% of the time because of money and the lack of it but I am surprised and lucky that we have miraculously survived and continued to love and laugh throughout our tough times. It's comforting to know that in the short time that we have been married, we have gone through some serious things and have grown stronger from it. The corny cliches that money can't buy you love and that money isn't everything exist for a reason because even though the bank account is scarce, I have never been this happy before. I have a husband that truly loves me and beautiful, healthy children. My children are loving, intelligent, and giving. They are not materialistic or bratty.

I sleep peacefully at night. My husband doesn't resent me for things I do or do not do. I love my in-laws and they love me. My job has some pros and some cons, but I am blessed to have a job and one that I enjoy. Although we don't have much, I continue to give and help others without keeping tab or expecting anything in return. My home is not much, the floors are still a mess but it is clean and organized and homey and there are warm meals in our bellies 80% of the time.

My children are not getting extravagant gifts this Christmas and I do not have to send out gift registries for all the garbage they don't need because I know that my son will be thrilled with his $7 skateboard. Someone posted this quote the other day....

Your children need your presence more than they need your presents.

~~Jesse Jackson

Preach it Jesse!!! Amen!!! Nothing could be more true!!! And our children deserve just that.

So anyway, the honey has decided what he wants to be when he grows up and together we are on the road to making it happen. Certain people are finally in a good place in their life which makes me very happy because that means they are back in my life. Red Rock is back in our hearts where it's meant to be so that we can appreciate it like it deserves. And even if we do not win the lottery on January 1st, I can already tell that 2011 is going to be good. It's going to be good just like the last two years. ;)

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